
To configure the CookieAuthenticator service you must use the CookieAuthenticatorSettings class. This class has the following form:

case class CookieAuthenticatorSettings(
  cookieName: String = "id",
  cookiePath: String = "/",
  cookieDomain: Option[String] = None,
  secureCookie: Boolean = true,
  httpOnlyCookie: Boolean = true,
  useFingerprinting: Boolean = true,
  cookieMaxAge: Option[FiniteDuration] = None,
  authenticatorIdleTimeout: Option[FiniteDuration] = None,
  authenticatorExpiry: FiniteDuration = 12 hours)




The cookie name


The cookie path


The cookie domain


Whether this cookie is secured, sent only for HTTPS requests.

This should be disabled for testing on localhost without SSL, otherwise cookie couldn't be set


Whether this cookie is HTTP only, i.e. not accessible from client-side JavaScript code


Indicates if a fingerprint of the user should be stored in the authenticator


The duration a cookie expires. None for a transient cookie


The duration an authenticator can be idle before it timed out. This means, if you set the time to 5 minutes then a user will be logged out if he visits the site again after 5 minutes and 1 second. If he visits the site before the authenticator times out then he has again 5 minutes until the authenticator times out.


The duration an authenticator expires after it was created. This means, if the timeout is set to 1 day, then the authenticator expires definitely after one day.


authenticator.cookieName = "authenticator"
authenticator.cookiePath = "/"
authenticator.secureCookie = false
authenticator.httpOnlyCookie = true
authenticator.useFingerprinting = true
authenticator.authenticatorIdleTimeout = 30 minutes
authenticator.authenticatorExpiry = 12 hours


To configure the SessionAuthenticator service you must use the SessionAuthenticatorSettings class. This class has the following form:

case class SessionAuthenticatorSettings(
  sessionKey: String = "authenticator",
  useFingerprinting: Boolean = true,
  authenticatorIdleTimeout: Option[FiniteDuration] = None,
  authenticatorExpiry: FiniteDuration = 12 hours)




The key of the authenticator in the session


Indicates if a fingerprint of the user should be stored in the


The duration an authenticator can be idle before it timed out. This means, if you set the time to 5 minutes then a user will be logged out if he visits the site again after 5 minutes and 1 second. If he visits the site before the authenticator times out then he has again 5 minutes until the authenticator times out.


The duration an authenticator expires after it was created. This means, if the timeout is set to 1 day, then the authenticator expires definitely after one day.


authenticator.sessionKey = "authenticator"
authenticator.useFingerprinting = true
authenticator.authenticatorIdleTimeout = 30 minutes
authenticator.authenticatorExpiry = 12 hours


To configure the BearerTokenAuthenticator service you must use the BearerTokenAuthenticatorSettings class. This class has the following form:

case class BearerTokenAuthenticatorSettings(
  fieldName: String = "X-Auth-Token",
  requestParts: Option[Seq[RequestPart.Value]] = Some(Seq(RequestPart.Headers)),
  authenticatorIdleTimeout: Option[FiniteDuration] = None,
  authenticatorExpiry: FiniteDuration = 12 hours)




The name of the field in which the token will be transferred in any part of the request


Some request parts from which a value can be extracted or None to extract values from any part of the request. Default is set to Headers only. This functionality is useful if the token should be transported into another part of the request. For a WebSocket, opened from JavaScript, the token must be transported in the query string, because the JavaScript WebSockets API doesn't allow additional headers.


The duration an authenticator can be idle before it timed out. This means, if you set the time to 5 minutes then a user will be logged out if he visits the site again after 5 minutes and 1 second. If he visits the site before the authenticator times out then he has again 5 minutes until the authenticator times out.


The duration an authenticator expires after it was created. This means, if the timeout is set to 1 day, then the authenticator expires definitely after one day.



Enumeration based values in the configuration

The authenticator.requestParts configuration property uses Enumeration based values. This values can be parsed with Ficus if you import the additional EnumerationReader.

authenticator.fieldName = "X-Auth-Token"
authenticator.authenticatorIdleTimeout = 30 minutes
authenticator.authenticatorExpiry = 12 hours


To configure the JWTAuthenticator service you must use the JWTAuthenticatorSettings
class. This class has the following form:

case class JWTAuthenticatorSettings(
  fieldName: String = "X-Auth-Token",
  requestParts: Option[Seq[RequestPart.Value]] = Some(Seq(RequestPart.Headers)),
  issuerClaim: String = "play-silhouette",
  authenticatorIdleTimeout: Option[FiniteDuration] = None,
  authenticatorExpiry: FiniteDuration = 12 hours,
  sharedSecret: String)




The name of the field in which the token will be transferred in any part of the request


Some request parts from which a value can be extracted or None to extract values from any part of the request. Default is set to Headers only. This functionality is useful if the token should be transported into another part of the request. For a WebSocket, opened from JavaScript, the token must be transported in the query string, because the JavaScript WebSockets API doesn't allow additional headers.


The issuer claim identifies the principal that issued the JWT


The duration an authenticator can be idle before it times out. This means, if you set the time to 5 minutes then a user will be logged out if he visits the site again after 5 minutes and 1 second. If he visits the site before the authenticator times out then he has again 5 minutes until the authenticator times out.


The duration an authenticator expires after it was created. This means, if the timeout is set to 1 day, then the authenticator expires definitely after one day.


The shared secret to sign the JWT



Enumeration based values in the configuration

The authenticator.requestParts configuration property uses Enumeration based values. This values can be parsed with Ficus if you import the additional EnumerationReader.

authenticator.fieldName = "X-Auth-Token"
authenticator.requestParts = ["headers"]
authenticator.issuerClaim = "play-angular-silhouette"
authenticator.authenticatorExpiry = 12 hours
authenticator.sharedSecret = "changeme"

Updated less than a minute ago

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